Future Fantastic

India’s first AI Art Festival for Climate Change
Visual Identity
|Event Design

The people behind BeFantastic, a techart platform that engages a vibrant international community of techart creators and experts, were once again curating a unique art festival. This time the theme for the festival was Climate Change with artists and contributors from all over the world. The installations, workshops and lectures were all an integration of AI and Art to highlight the effects of climate change in the world.
We were brought in to design an identity, visual extensions, website and branding for the festival held in March 2023.
Our Approach
We decided to retain the visual language of the first art festival of BeFantastic held a few years ago. This extended the credibility and helped build connection with tech and art.
The website was a creative exercise in unleashing dynamism while being helpful and informative for a wide audience. It had to make sure program schedules were accessible while generating buzz and excitement around the theme. We used animations and bold type to draw attention. The schedule and venue was indexed to make information finding easy.
The same visual language was extended to graphics for the event. Held at Ranga Shankara and Bangalore International Centre over two weekends, the event attracted diverse crowds and was a huge success.